Welcome to my essential oils blog! The purpose of this blog is to document my family's experience with dōTERRA oils and to share them with others. We've been using these oils for over two years now and I am convinced they are superior to any other EOs I have used before. Over the past 10+ years, we've been intentional towards living a more holistic and wholistic lifestyle, through both diet and medicinal approaches. Relying less on Western thought and practice toward medicine and overall well-being.

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years by the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Indian Ayurvedic, Persians and widely throughout Europe. Historical uses include treatment of illness and injury, food preparation, beauty and hygeine practicies, religious ceremonies and aromatherapy. So, they can be used topically, internally and aromatically; often times most effective when all three methods are used simultaneously.

dōTERRA essential oils are beautifully pure and their potency and effectiveness is unmatched. They are certified pure therapeutic grade (CPTG) and are the only oils on the market that can be safely taken internally. I have seen remarkable results therapeutically, as well as medicinally and continue to learn more ways to integrate these oils into our lives. I hope this blog is helpful to you and provides inspiration to explore natural medicines and to live better.

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For aromatic, topical, or dietary use.

"Thyme is naturally antifungal and antibacterial. Other antiseptic qualities make Thyme very useful as a disinfectant, especially useful as a suppressive for mold and fungus. It has also been historically used as a remedy for toe fungus, often with Oregano essential oil. Its antispasmodic qualities provide relief to some women suffering from menstrual cramps. Finally, it is a great cough and sore throat remedy. The dōTerra Essential Oil Thyme is of the botanical family Lamiaceae (Labiatae) and is grown in Germany with the oil being processed by steam distillation form the herb.
Typical Applications
Thyme is very effective against fungus and mold when diffused in the general area. Thyme is certified as GRAS by the FDA and can be taken internally. For sore throats, laryngitis, or congestive infections take with juice, agaves, or honey or it may be gargled or used in oil pulling. It can be applied neat to areas of fungus, like toenails. Thyme can also be used as a surface disinfectant.
Precautions Consult professional advice before use by those who are pregnant or nursing mothers. Can be a strong skin irritant Do not use without dilution."

 Wellness Uses
Cold and Flu Season
Emergency Salve/Spray
Skin Care
Health Concerns

Cold and Flu
Cuts and Wounds
Skin Disorders
Sore Throat
Stomach Ache
Throat Infections
Yeast Infection


For aromatic, topical, or dietary use.

"Vetiver is a complex, woods aroma that is renowned for its balancing and grounding uses. It also has historically been acknowledged for its soothing and calming effects and stimulating effects on the nervous system. Don’t be confused. Yes, even with its calming and relaxing effects, others have found it to be mentally and physically rejuvenating. Vetiver can be both calming and rejuvenating to the body and mind.
Most recently, parents have found it highly effective in treating ADD or ADHD as an alternative to Ritalin and other prescription medications.
Vetiver, with its calming properties, has been known to dispel anger, hysteria and irritability. Further, even neurotic behavior stemming from stress and tension has been reduced.
Typical Applications
Apply 3-4 drops of Vetiver to a child’s back or the bottom of their feet using a carrier oil immediately following a shower and prior to bed time. With experience combine Vetiver with a balancing, uplifting, or relaxing blend to enhance the help. The synergistic combination with a single oil such as Lavender, Ylang Ylang or Clary Sage will also be effective.
Application has also historically proven helpful through the olfactory system (inhalation). Prepare a tissue cup or inhaler to be used when anxiety or other symptoms of ADHD are felt.
Use Vetiver with a carrier oil for a sensual massage and to enjoy its aphrodisiacal properties.
Research: Dr. Terry Friedman, M.D. did a 2 year study of children between the ages of 6 and 12 years old trying to identify essential oils useful in the treatment of ADD and ADHD. Vetiver was shown to be highly successful with 100% of the subjects over a 30 day period when the children felt "scatter brained." Dr. Friedman used an inhalation method."

Wellness Uses
Stress reduction
Health Concerns
Mature skin
Tonic (child or adult)