Welcome to my essential oils blog! The purpose of this blog is to document my family's experience with dōTERRA oils and to share them with others. We've been using these oils for over two years now and I am convinced they are superior to any other EOs I have used before. Over the past 10+ years, we've been intentional towards living a more holistic and wholistic lifestyle, through both diet and medicinal approaches. Relying less on Western thought and practice toward medicine and overall well-being.
Essential oils have been used for thousands of years by the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Indian Ayurvedic, Persians and widely throughout Europe. Historical uses include treatment of illness and injury, food preparation, beauty and hygeine practicies, religious ceremonies and aromatherapy. So, they can be used topically, internally and aromatically; often times most effective when all three methods are used simultaneously.
dōTERRA essential oils are beautifully pure and their potency and effectiveness is unmatched. They are certified pure therapeutic grade (CPTG) and are the only oils on the market that can be safely taken internally. I have seen remarkable results therapeutically, as well as medicinally and continue to learn more ways to integrate these oils into our lives. I hope this blog is helpful to you and provides inspiration to explore natural medicines and to live better.
Essential oils have been used for thousands of years by the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Indian Ayurvedic, Persians and widely throughout Europe. Historical uses include treatment of illness and injury, food preparation, beauty and hygeine practicies, religious ceremonies and aromatherapy. So, they can be used topically, internally and aromatically; often times most effective when all three methods are used simultaneously.
dōTERRA essential oils are beautifully pure and their potency and effectiveness is unmatched. They are certified pure therapeutic grade (CPTG) and are the only oils on the market that can be safely taken internally. I have seen remarkable results therapeutically, as well as medicinally and continue to learn more ways to integrate these oils into our lives. I hope this blog is helpful to you and provides inspiration to explore natural medicines and to live better.

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Monday, October 29, 2012
It All Started When...
we ALL contracted head lice. That dreaded call from the nurse, that every mother prays she never gets.
That is when I freaked out, called the Naturopath and then my "essential oils friend". She basically gave me one word....melaleuca oil, also know as tea tree oil. I admit I was a bit doubtful this would get rid of the nasty little bugs living off our scalps, but I was desperate to try and I DID NOT want to use the toxic lice shampoos and treatments sold at the grocery stores. No way was I going to use a poisonous chemical on my kids' (and baby's) heads. Upon further examination of the household heads, two of my kids had live louse crawling around in their hair. Yea, beyond horrifying and disgusting. As a mother of 6 children, my older kids wash and comb their own hair, so I had no idea they had bugs crawling around. I am convinced they got it first, from school, and generously shared it to the entire household. (Are you scratching your head yet?:)
Even though I could not positively see that we all did indeed have them, I decided to go ahead and treat everyone. First, we had to suffocate them by pouring olive oil all over our heads and then wrapping with plastic wrap. We walked around the house for a good 2 hours, dripping oil all down our faces. Try keeping a 2yr old and an infant's head wrapped in olive oil! Not good times. You could actually see the live louse struggling in the olive oil on my two older children, who had the worst infestation! After that we washed the olive oil out with shampoo that I infused with doTerra's melaleuca oil. We left that in for a good 30 min. We washed everyday with this infused shampoo (any shampoo you may have lying around with 1-2 drops of the melaleuca oil). Then I treated everyone's scalp for the next 2 days with the oil, undiluted. I just put 2-3 drops in my hand, rubbed them together and massaged scalps. We had no ill side effects from using the oil full-strength, even my infant's delicate skin was not bothered. At the end of our 2nd treatment, there were no louse or nits left. We did continue to nit comb for the next week, just to be sure. But, I did not see any eggs in anyone's hair. The oil had done it's job, most beautifully and naturally! I couldn't have been more pleased.
After washing more laundry than I ever care to wash again in one lifetime, vacuuming the entire house and putting all toys, etc., into quarantine we seemed to be rid of the nasty buggers. We had a month or so left of school in the year and I was not excited to send my cleansed children back to a lice infested school! Alas, I decided to be brave and was given the recommendation of using a EO leave-in spray for their hair and heads. Here is what I used:
melaleuca (tea tree) oil
lavender oil
peppermint oil
eucalyptus oil
rosemary oil
Mixed the above oils with distilled water in a spray bottle (glass preferably) and sprayed the heck out of my kids' hair/heads before they left for school. Not only did it smell fantastic, we did not get lice again.
True story! This is what peaked my interest into doTERRA essential oils. I have used EOs for a long time, mostly for aromatherapy purposes, and have lots of other brands sitting in my stash. Upon opening one of these oils up, you can immediately smell a difference. doTERRA's oils are not only more balanced and crystal clean to the nose, but they pack a mighty punch when used for common ailments and health concerns. We use them every single day. :)