In the spirit of being positive, I decided to get my oils out and see what, and who, we could slather up. My youngest, who is sixteen months old, woke-up with two very gooey, yellow, watery, red eyes a few days ago, as well as a runny nose and overall feeling like the cruds. Extremely irritable and not interested in eating or drinking his precious goat milk (which he loves more than life). So, I knew he was seriously coming down with something nasty. I looked in my EOs guide and found that lavender treats pink eye. An experienced-in-EOs friend confirmed that treatment option and I began using lavender around both of his eyes, 3 times a day, careful not to actually get it into his eyes (which is much harder than you think!). I did not have to dilute it as it can be applied 'neat' (aka. undiluted). I also rubbed melaleuca and lavender oil, diluted in a few drops of grapeseed oil, and On Guard oil blend into the soles of his feet, several times a day. Since he also had symptoms of a viral cold (runny-stuffy nose/congestion, etc.) I also diluted some eucalyptus oil and rosemary oil with grapeseed oil and rubbed that onto his chest and neck, several times a day and especially at night before I laid him down to sleep. Success!! We are on day 3 and his eyes are completely cleared up and his cold is also on the mend. Most notable is he feels much better and is back to his happy self. Nothing worse than an unhappy babe.
Hopefully, the virus will have worked it's way through by the end of the week. And, he has smelled wonderfully with all those delicious oils on him the last few days! I have to say how much I love the lavender and eucalyptus oils, especially when used together. So soothing and therapeutic. The last time I dealt with pink eye, I ran to my doctor's office and got scripts for eye drops and an antibiotic. Of course, I'm not 100% sure if his case was bacterial, viral or allergy related, but I'm guessing viral. I would use the same approach, however, if I suspected a bacterial infection...which is usually coupled with a fever, which he never had. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be able to use natural oils to treat sickness and not have to run into town, which is 20+ miles away, with all my SIX children in tow, every time we get sick. Not that I refuse to ever see a doctor, but it is a last resort.
My 3rd oldest son (7) and his little sister (3) both had ear infections this week, as well. Lavender and melaleuca on a cotton ball and inserted into the ear (at night, after they have fallen asleep), and massaged around the ear and in the outer ear opening several times a day have done wonders. I also used Mullein drops compound (from the Naturopath doctor) several times a day. Again, I see huge improvements and there are no more complaints of earaches. One happy Momma here.
Two of my other kiddos have the cold that is being passed around and I am using the On Guard oil blend on the soles of the feet (mostly at night, before bed), and eucalyptus, rosemary and melaleuca oils, diluted in grapeseed oil (but, you can use any carrier oil) on their chests, necks and noses, especially before bed. If I had the oil blend Breathe, I would use that on their chests and so on, but I do not the other oils are working nicely.
And, last but not least, my neck and back. I have chronic back pain, mostly in the sites where I had epidurals with half of my births (the other half I realized that I could indeed birth, drug-free...without dieing). Plus, I suffer from mild to-moderate scoliosis and poor posture, constant lifting of children and being on my feet much of the day. My go-to oils for my back issues/pain are peppermint and lavender, diluted in a carrier oil. I also love the oil blend Deep Blue and sandalwood and frankincense oils are also very effective for back pain. That coupled with a hot pad or hydrotherapy and my back pain melts away. Now, I will admit I have prescription pain pills that I break out when I cannot function, (an in walk, get out of get the point). But, those are a last resort because of the side effects I experience including: extreme drowsiness, dizziness and a general feeling of fog.
That is our week in pathogens! Hoping next week brings a much needed break from the sicks and we can enjoy some predicted snowfall. :)