A personal experience, from a local doTERRA user, with doTERRA's essential oil blend, InTune:
"My almost 10 year-old son has Asperger's and Inattentive ADD and we are totally not on board with medicating for his ADD (Asperger's has no medications). We have been using InTune for about a month and after the first week started to notice a big difference in his behavior at school. His teacher even wrote us a note telling us that she can tell he is trying hard and she has never seen him be able to focus in class like he is. His behavior got so out of control (running around the halls, up and down stairs, interrupting in class, talking to neighbors during lessons, etc.) that we had a meeting with the school psychologist, principal, vice principal, teacher, etc. They set him up on a points system where he has th...
ree categories and can earn 2 points per category per day (0 is bad, 1 is good, and 2 is excellent). Since starting InTune, he has not had one 0 (not ONE), and usually comes home with a 2,2,1 day. Only once or twice has it been a 2,1,1. We went out last night and when we got home, I didn't put OnGuard and InTune on him. He got up this morning and said, "Mom, I need my oils!"."~Sarah Alexander
Other oils and blends that people I know have said worked well with these issues are:
~Melissa essential oil and Serenity blend
~Balance blend and Vetiver