My 7 year old son reported to me today that he has a birthmark on his leg and wondered if I'd ever seen it before. I said that I did not remember him having any birthmarks on either of his legs, so I'd better take a look at said "birth mark". What did I find? A red-ringed looking circular patch, on the back of his knee. I'd say that is not a birth mark, but ringworm. I could be wrong, but it certainly looks suspect of just that. So, this is the oil blend I am using on it:
~ 2 drops lavender
~2 drops melaleuca
~2 drops oregano
~6 drops carrier oil (I used grapeseed)
Apply 1-2 drops on the infected area three times a day for 10 days. After that, mix 30 drops melaleuca with 2 Tbs. carrier oil and apply daily until the ringworm is gone.
This seems like overkill, since most remedies do not require this many days for treatment. But, if it is indeed a fungal infection, then it will take longer to treat. I will report back with the results!
With all the rash excitement in the air, my 9 year old son decided to show me his legs and rashes. Which he does in fact have. I guess I need to pay more attention to my boys' legs! But, when they have long johns, wool socks and jeans on everyday, it's hard to get a good look on a regular basis. I think these rashes are either from dry skin or an allergic reaction to soap he may be using in the shower, since he does not have any other sickness or infection going on. They are localized raised, red bumps and are itchy. Hard to pinpoint a clear cause, but here is what I'm using:
~1 drop melaleuca
~1 drop lavender
~3-4 drops carrier oil
I am going to apply this several times a day and see if this clears it up. We have dealt with rashes before and this blend did a beautiful job, so I'm confident I'll have the same great results this time, as well.
Lastly, my oldest son fell today and hit his head extremely hard on our hardwood floors. He was very upset and said he saw spots and stars and his tongue was tingling. That's not good. He laid down for awhile until he felt composed enough to let me look at him. His pupils looked fine and he was able to walk without dizziness, so I decided we didn't need to call EMS...phew! However, his head was hurting a great deal and he said it felt like the worst headache he's every had. What did I do? Got out my oils, of course!! Here is what I blended for him:
*PastTense (a doTERRA blend) is what is first recommended, but since I don't have that oil on hand right now, I used this:
~2 drops peppermint
~2 drops eucalyptus
~2 drops rosemary
Apply to temples, forhead and neck.
After about 20 minutes, he reported his headache was not as bad, but still there. So, I'll continue to use it this evening and maybe tomorrow and see how he's feeling.
EOs are just like any other medicinal treatment. Often times, it takes several applications and sometimes over several days to see results. There are also instances where they work very quickly. The key is patience, consistency and persistence.